What is the CACFP?
Program Benefits
Areas We Service
Online Claiming
Food Program Forms
Join/Contact Info

Participating in the CACFP won't cost you anything!  In fact, when you enroll in the CACFP with KidCare you will receive the following materials and benefits FREE:

Monetary Reimbursement -  You may be reimbursed for serving two meals and one snack or one meal and two snacks, per chld, per day. The reimubrsement rates are set by the USDA each July. KidCare will assist you in getting the highest reimbursement allowable.

Program Notebook and Feeding Guides -  The Program Notebook serves as an organizational tool and storage binder for your CACFP materials.  The materials enclosed in it will explain, in detail, the how-to's of participating in the CACFP under KidCare's sponsorship. Additional materials found in the Program Notebook can help you plan, prepare, and serve nutritious meals and snacks that meet CACFP requirements.

Personal Service -  KidCare's staff is readily available to assist you with your individual needs and concerns. You will be provided phone numbers and e-mail addresses of our staff. We strive to make our response time less than 24 hours.

Calendar / Record Keeping -  Before the start of each year, you are given a calendar designed for child care professionals to assist in daily record keeping. In addition, the calendar is full of nutrtion information, recipes, and activities for children.

2 Claiming Options -  KidCare offers two ways to record attendance and menus- either with paper claiming or on-line claiming.

  • Paper claiming materials are provided by KidCare. This includes carbonless duplicate forms so there is no need for you to make copies.
  • On-line claiming is offered at no cost to you!  Using a web-based program eliminates handwriting menus and decreases the amount of paper that you handle daily.

Direct Deposit -  Save yourself a trip to the bank.  KidCare will deposit your monthly reimbusement directly into your checking or savings account typically on the first business day of the month.

Nutrition Training -  By participating in the CACFP, you will get, at a minimum, 1-hour annually of free training that can be applied to the child care relicensing requirements.

Secure 24-Hour Access to Your Account -  Once a program participant with KidCare, your account information, including reimbursement amounts and a listing of children enrolled in your care, will be available to you through a secure and user-friendly claim management website.

Additional Resources -  Monthly newsletter, A Quick Nutri-Note; lending library; forms and pre-addressed envelopes; self-study courses; educational materials